After a period of meditation, Antoinette Rozan’s creative hand has a vivid and spontaneous force. Ink becomes alive on paper, whether black and white or bright and colourful. They carry a strong message: remember to love yourself in order to shine with Freedom, Love and Joy for others.
BANNERS OF LIFE series (since 2022)
Facing calls for war all around the world, Antoinette Rozan calls us for a wave of Love, in a bigger, louder, more impactful way! With her XXL hearts hand-painted on tarps, like Banners of Love and Peace, she wishes to flood our Life with Beauty, Wonder and Joy.
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LOVE series (since 2016)
This series symbolizes Love, the Love each one of us should give to oneself. As one often tends to devalue oneself, the character is portrayed in a tiny shape small. However always comes with a huge heart : a standard of Love which reminds us that we must love ourselves in order to love others.
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MOVE FOR FREEDOM series (since 2016)
Through the energy of gesture, the Move for Freedom series reminds us that life is Movement. One must not stop carrying on living in this perpetual dynamic that brings us joy and energy.
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OUT OF THE BOX series (since 2016)
Out of the Box is an invitation to come out of the confinement in which we live, to sweep away our beliefs and our illusions in order to live fully by Being Ourselves. Through spirituality, self-seeking and Love, we are able to Dare be Ourselves.
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GUEULE D'AMOUR series (since 2016)
These faces show  a reflection of our own Emotions. Ink on paper, these Gueules d’Amour open our hearts to reach our deep inside feelings, they invite us to listen and to free ourselves.
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YIN YANG series (since 2016)
Each of these inks is linked to the Yi Jing, one of the founding texts of Chinese civilization. They suggest the importance of the family, of living in the momentum, of the sky, of meditation… Inspired by the symbols and the spirituality of this philosophy, Antoinette Rozan begins this series, which will take an important place at the heart of her job.
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WAVE series (since 2016)
Wave represents this energy moving through and within us in waves. These waves on which we set off to live and enjoy the movement of life.
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